Category: abc yellow journalism

  • The Ultimate Double Standard

     Finding out what the truth is can be very hard to do.  Imagine for a moment that a corrupt media standard has led to what could be the most difficult problem ever to be examined under the light of day. An organization that is a reminder that Taxation without Representation is still in the Constitution.…

  • The shell Game what it means to you.

    Looking Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors. For many years street hustlers have used a little known method of manipulation and slight of hand to visually distract the audience in such a way as to create an illusion that they can pick and choose what they see and believe. The sad truth is that our Media…

  • Make my Day, Clint Eastwood

    Imagine a day when a man can express his opinion in a good way that no only communicates the truth but also does it in a humorous way? One thing about it, if the liberal clowns think that the 82 year old actor and director cares what they think they are sadly mistaken. It was…

  • Tea Party Blues

     What will happen to America without true men who can tell no lie…   Ok for those of us that wonder about the tea party and its future here is an update.   Those who think the Tea Party is dead or gone “straight to hell” as Rep. Maxine Waters wanted were not with us…

  • Glenn Beck reduced to hawking

    Well now you know in some ways this may sound bad and for some people it really is bad. Mostly its allegedly bad for those people who end up buying this stuff, who knows for sure but you know I find it sort of like watching some of the older actors trying to sell all…

  • Fast and Furious an American Scandal

    You know in times past we did things as a nation that were not always the best thing to do, in retrospect we can see that sometimes ignorant things happen however also in the past those men who made those ignorant mistakes would resign or even perhaps end up being prosecuted. That has not happened…