Category: biased press

  • Train Derailment blame game

    It is a horrible thing to think about but this is the world that some Americans live in. Blaming “Republicans” for a disaster is not news it is poison and there must be consequences when the news is not the news. The thing is a simple thing, when men seek to turn a tragic event…

  • Email Gate Clinton Scandal?

    Is Email Gate, a Scandal? Well, Yes, it is, not just because she broke the laws of the United States of America, but also because she destroyed Government property. She admits that she destroyed some 30,000 Emails. This is a huge problem, forget for a moment that it was illegal and unethical. WE can forgive…

  • the dangers of fools

    What is wrong with a woman in office that does not do the right thing and allegedly fabricates a report that does not reflect the truth.

  • North Carolina race heats up

    The biggest races in the US senate contest may be in North Carolina. The most expensive election campaign in the history of North Carolina elections has been a huge contention among some voters.  source North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan is sitting on the most expensive hot seat in Senate history. Spending in her Senate race…

  • Ferguson riots

    In many ways the idea that America is about to change in significant ways is something that should disturb you greatly. We have a situation where the word of one of the alleged robbers of a convenience store has been put out as truth. We know that from the autopsy diagram it is more than…

  • Fools in Congress

    We know there are some older members of congress that really just should retire and enjoy those Golden Years.  Harry Reid is one of those members that just seems to have no idea about what he is doing.  Trust me, I am a Brain Damaged, person with a Traumatic Brain Injury and I have better…

  • Florida once again makes error?

    The truth about the State of Florida, may cause you to be concerned about how the justice department is handled in floriduh. There have been several high profile cases where the state allegedly over charged the case with little or no direct evidence to prove the facts of the case. They wanted the Death Penalty…

  • homeless hungry used as mules?

       This is a story that you may think is fiction, it may sound like the latest in popular fiction, in fact there are some online that are presenting theories about the evil events in Boston that occurred for the first time in 12 years. There are some that are saying that there were police…

  • wall street thugs?

    This was received in an email and may not represent the opinions or thoughts of the owners of this website or its administrators. Have you noticed the media’s new obsession with the Occupy Wall Street movement? Yes, the same movement that has launched a smear campaign against capitalism and Tea Party principles – it is…

  • Fair Elections

    Can there be a fair election when the media takes part in the election process? I find that there are some serious issues in how the media covers election candidate. Should something be done to prevent the media from giving free coverage and free PR to certain Candidates while other candidates have to pay for…