Tag: Amazing

  • Tax cut myth?

    Amazing stuff folks, did you know that a tax is not cut, it is not a break, it is collected. Taxes are collected, so folks, get that through your head. So where do you stand, do you believe that everything this nation was founded on was true? Taxes are not cut taxes are collected, in…

  • AARP remember what they did to you?

    You have to wonder about a company that would rather spend millions and millions of dollars in advertising and damage control over a stupid PR move than to come out and admit that they made a mistake. That is pride sure and simple something that old folks understand or do they? Just the way it…

  • Nancy Pelosi Quit your Jobs

    Will you vote Nancy out of office this November… Nancy, Nancy, Oh Nancy, we all cringe, when she gets in front of a microphone… (allegedly) Amazing stuff, you know what, vote this alleged, crazy person out of office, it is time. Well Arlen Specter is now history, (we told you he would be gone soon)…