Tag: Batman

  • FBI saves Teens in weekend Raid…

    Holy Submarine Batman, the FBI have done a great thing, not to say they don’t do that all the time, its just extra nice to see the better executed scenarios out there rather than the ones that don’t seem to work out as well for everyone.  Wow, 60 percent were from Foster homes, Wow, Wow,…

  • Stock market down

    The stock market hits low again, with some global economic news that made a lot of investors nervous. The thing here is this what can be done to slow down this bull market? The stock market ended far below what was predicted by many analysts, sparking a serious down turn of more than 260 points.…

  • Democrats loosing in the polls and november is coming…

    Batman, is robin really running for congress? perhaps, and Yes, that is right and you know the liberals dont even know it, this nation was founded on common sense ideas. Yes, and guess what else, it is like your staring in a movie, the democrats are so disconnected from the rest of the world and…