Tag: Bill Orielly

  • Cruz Attacks Rubio?

    Over the last few weeks, you may have noticed that Cruz seems to be attacking Rubio. That may well backfire… Some attack ads have appeared that seem to allegedly twist the truth.  Rubio has said that its deceptive and that might allegedly be true.  It seems odd that Cruz is attacking Rubio, when Trump appears…

  • orielly catch 22 on President

    So, recently Bill Orielly, berated the president for not taking action quickly enough when the threat of Isis, began to become clear to the media, which is something of an oddity because usually the media are spot on in most situations, right? There are some indications or rumors depending on where you stand politically, that…

  • Democrats try to play mislead the nation?

    So, were starting to see the Media play a game called split the Republican party, the thing is most people already know that the media are biased and for the most part just plain stupid. But usually you do not see people like Bill orielly try to play bully with the republican party, tonight he…

  • Polotical ignorance

    A while back Bill orielly got a little irritated at Allan Colmes and really who can blame him when you run into someone that would rather spin the truth than admit when there is a real problem you have to know that it makes people mad.  

  • As I do not as I say I do?

    Are you confused by the way politicians attempt to distort the facts with Spin? You know the old peanuts, cartoons, where Lucy pulls the foot ball back every time that is what were seeing over and over again, the thing here is are the republicans really that stupid? What we see is the left leaning…

  • bill orielly gun control worked?

    You might be wondering why Bill Orielly went to bat for the gun control freaks, so did we. but apparently either someone in the production booth at fox news failed to vet a news source or some idiot in the fact checking department went home with the flu instead of doing their jobs. Bill seemed…

  • Is Bill Orielly a Liar?

    Did Bill Orielly lie to the American People or did he just get it wrong? If Bill did get it wrong will he admit that he made a mistake or will he just ignore it? Were interested to learn more about the motivating “Factor” that caused him to depict a liberal point of view in…

  • Vote no matter what the media lies about next

    If you were a brain dead robot and you listened to what the media tell you… You would think that there is no need to have an election that Barack Obama, has already won and there is no need to leave your couch you can just sit there because its over. The media however are…

  • Campaign Lies

    Question, do you trust politicians or the president to tell the truth? In many ways, I think that we look at all of the campaign promises, we have not seen must in the way of truth from any politician over the last few years the real question is will that ever change or will the…

  • Why Mitt Romney cannot win

    The Liberally Biased media probably wants us to pick Mitt Romney as a Candidate, for one reason and one reason only, because they think that he cannot win in the General Election.  The same thing goes for Barbara Bachman, what really is interesting is how the biased media seems to think that everyone in the…