Tag: democrats

  • Border Bravado

    The Senate has declared that it will not vote on the Border bill which basically means that they are willing for children that “They” said needed help will not get that help because Harry Reid…  Will not allow the bill to come up for a vote in the US senate. Sorry but is that not…

  • Mississippi election over turned?

    Will the Mississippi election be overturned? In a recent run off election there is evidence of massive voter fraud and even some criminal election fraud which the FBI should be investigating. So, what are we to think? Is this the new way of elections in America? Or has it been this way all the time…

  • Democrats want to repeal the first amendment

    This is Amazing and it is true… 41 democrats have decided to repeal the First Amendment.  

  • Tea Party Vs GoPee

    Oops, yes there is some serious mud slinging going on in Mississippi, where we have a good man but as they used to say years ago he has moss growing on his back. The Tea Party and the Gop are duking it out while the democrats sit back and laugh at how dumb, allegedly, the…

  • 2014 Stock Market Crash?

    Using Fear as a selling tool is nothing new, in fact the democrats have been doing this for years, telling voters that the republicans are against food stamps and would rather watch people starve than to help one of them out. When you use Fear as a tool to attempt to get someone to do…

  • US election cycle 2014

    The political election process is heating up and it is beginning to look like the democrats are really going to face some serious problems. With leaders like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, there is really no telling what will happen.

  • benghazi and the democrats

    This is a news story that has been mostly ignored by the media and were it not for reporting at Fox news, most of America would not even know about this story. Now the question that should be in the minds of everyone is why? Why stall? Why try to hid the truth?

  • Corruption for Harry Reid?

    Is Harry Reid involved in corruption in politics? Corruption in politics is nothing new but in this day and age of economic difficulty and when so many are suffering with serious problems of life and limb, you have to ask should only politicians be rich and wealthy? Or should they be this wealthy? The democrats…

  • The End of America

    Imagine how insane it would be politically to allow control over America to a foreign power that hates us… That would be crazy right and on top of that the 2014 elections are about to get started and this will be a huge issue that democrats will find may cost them their jobs.   Most credible…

  • Shocking Truth about the War on Women

    The following video is the opinion of the author and may not represent the views and opinions of Blago Planet. You may have noticed a lot of news media putting out this notion that there is a war on women and that women cannot defend themselves so democrats need to come in and fix it…