Tag: Expectation

  • tea party too radical?

    Is the tea party getting too radical? The thought sort of crosses your mind, you agree with some of the things they are saying but are they really starting to go too far. Sure the Affordable Care act is a nightmare that has to be fixed or it must be repealed, foreign policy is what…

  • Public Health Care

    No one would argue that the health care system needs to be fixed, however so far all attempts at fixing the system has met with failure, rationing is likely the next thing to hit, but is this all accurate, can we really save money? Perhaps, we can, save some money. One place where we can…

  • Fox news not real news?

    Is fox news failing to meet the expectation of the consumer of hard news? The idea that the 24 hour news cycle and its expected influence on voting habits of adult voters, is highly unlikely. Today we noticed that during a fox news segment, that one of the bobble heads that do the news, either…