Tag: Midterm Elections

  • health care truth will democrats be exposed?

    Will the democrats be exposed as liars? The truth about the failure of the health care plan is something that few people really understand except for those people that truly need help, but cannot get any health care. Health Care: As Democrats grow increasingly worried that ObamaCare will explode on the launch pad just as…

  • Come November we will remember.

    They have thought to enslave the people with taxes. They have thought to emulate a failed health care system, even after seeing Canada and Europe in Turmoil. With little or no real health care provided. They have thought to do great things, but they are only human as human as any others that have tried…

  • Democrats led by Harry Reid,

    Is harry smarter than he looks? He just might be, because he is moving to distance himself away from those wackes in Washington DC, yes you know those people like Nancy P, Harry, seems to be fighting back in the polls, moving more to the right, while alleged rags like the Huffington Huf Huf, continue…