Tag: Nasdaq

  • progressive politics

    Well apparently the idea of unequal protection, is not a problem in Washington as the FTC mulls the idea of creating guides that only would allegedly be enforced on the internet creating an unequal burden on advertisers who advertise online as opposed to broadcast advertising. This would create a chilling effect on the NASDAQ and…

  • FCC take over of the internet?

    Is this possible, will it ruin the internet? This is not constitutional and must be stopped, this is wrong in every conceivable way you can imagine. In case your just now hearing this. Stop this insanity help us challenge this by filing a lawsuit if necessary. The FCC has no authority to govern or to…

  • FCC has no authority over the internet.

    What, are you sure, well yes, because the internet is already governed by several organizations and further more, it is likely to be challenged in court, as unconstitutional. In case your just now hearing this. The FCC has no authority to govern or to regulate the internet. The internet is made up of a number…

  • is this the end of the internet?

    Will they shut down the Internet? Amazing but could this really be true, will they try to dismantle allegedly the internet, really that is the most important thing they can be doing up in Washington, really, we have people sleeping under bridges out here and they want to do this? Are we facing the end…

  • Censorship Bill Passed?

    The end of freedom, Is this the death of the Internet? Laws that make no sense, special interests in glossy detail. Will this one day be law? Will this be the day the Internet Died? Have they passed a bill that could be used to censor the internet, or even be abused in favor of…