Tag: Rifles

  • Criminals will still have guns…

    No matter what you think the truth about Gun Laws is that they do not work because criminals will always do what they want and the reason why is simple they are not afraid of breaking the law, Duh, they are criminals.  Gun rights advocates have long been chided as “crackpots” by naïve liberals. Many…

  • Gun Rights

    In yet another biased (allegedly) fox news story, they had some Euro Trash on there talking about how the riots, in LA were much more destructive than the riots in London, Do those jerks at fox news really think that people are that stupid? You just have to wonder about people like that, because there…

  • Guns Banned.

    Just received this email and it is something of interest, just what is Washington doing and why are they doing it? Is this the hope and the change you voted for? Dear fellow Patriot, Nearly 1 million American rifles. Banned by a stroke of Barack Obama’s pen. In a move unprecedented in American history, the…

  • Join the NRA or only criminals will have guns.

    One year after gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed, including semi-automatic .22 rifles and shotguns, a program costing the government over 500 million dollars, the results are in… A dramatic increase in criminal activity has been experienced. Gun control advocates respond “Just wait… we’ll be safer… you’ll see…”. OBSERVABLE FACT,…